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Business Guide to the Four Types of Internet Users

If you have no idea what (or who) you are aiming for, you won’t even know if you hit them. You can stumble across what are often considered to be respectable conversion rates in the single digits.

How to Leverage the 8 Persuasion Principles to Convert Your Visitors into Customers

Whenever your prospects turn on the TV, read the paper, commute to work or check out their phones, they are bombarded with a thousand persuasive ads.

The Evolution of Marketing

This history of marketing is fraught with intrigue, peril, and a romance that would forever change the world. Perhaps. But, if so, someone forgot to write all that stuff down. Let’s try that again.

The Evolution of Strategy (Made Less Dull)

When it comes to talking about the history of strategy, especially when the speaker comes from a team like ours, the topic can often get dry — well, very dry — quite quickly.

Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Business and Life I Learned From Jay-Z’s “Public Service Announcement”

One of the most prolific songs in his entire discography, Jay-Z’s Public Service Announcement is an anthem for the successful entrepreneur.

Branding for The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z.

Everybody knows one of the most important parts of marketing is identifying your target audience.